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Footer Admin Panel in Facebook Style

Social community websites became very popular last few years. One of them is Facebook which has many impressive features and applications based on Ajax. If you like Footer Admin Panel situated on the bottom of the Facebook site, this tutorial provides you with easy way how to create your own one, where you will be able to organize frequently used links and applications. Many useful techniques, for example the...

Abracadaban: First Social Ad Builder Marketplace is an online marketplace where professional, semi-professional or amateur designers can post and sell customizable Ad banner to clients needing digital media products. In doing so, it establishes itself as an alternative to high-priced, dominant ad agencies. As a community, Abracadaban aims to democratize the advertising process and provide an alternative (and consistent) source of revenue for... Show Your Popularity online tool allows you to check all major popularity parameters of your website (Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, Technorati etc.), social bookmarks (, etc.), subscribers (Bloglines, etc.) and more! All you have to do is just enter the location (URL) of requested site and this service returns you popularity results in a while. Popularity Measures Google PageRank Alexa Rank Compete...

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