ready-to-use resources, tutorials, tips and many other web development related stuff
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Easy Slider jQuery Plugin

Easy Slider jQuery Plugin enables images or any content to slide horizontally or vertically on click. It is configurable with css alone. So, basically you link to plugin file, set the content up and style it with css. Easy and lightweight! At the time of this post, version 1.5 of Easy Slider plugin for jQuery was here. Previous version should be checked first to understand what is this plugin about and how does...

Data Chart by Pure CSS

Is it necessary to use Flash, JavaScript or any other programming languages to build up a data chart? Not always! Pure CSS Data Charts by Alen Grakalic is pure CSS solution for your charts. Website:

emastic: CSS Framework

Emastic is a CSS Framework, it’s continuing mission: to explore a strange new world, to seek out new life and new web spaces, to boldly go where no CSS Framework has gone before. Emastic framework is: Lightweight (compressed weight less then 4kb) Personalized width of the page in (em,px,%) Use of fixed and fluid columns in the grid Elastic Layout with “em”s This framework is still under...

$fx(): JavaScript Animation Library

$fx() is the really small and pretty flexible library to animate HTML elements. It lets you to alter any CSS property allong time line by passing just simple configuration. Morover you can combine effects, group them to the chains and run parallel, also you have ability to set different callbacks what gives you even more flexibility. This compact lightweight JavaScript library extends DOM element by adding animation...

Wannabe Web Developer?

Everybody starts sometimes. Nobody was born wise and experienced. Maybe, some of you would like to know how to begin with web development. And those of you this short post is for. You’ll find here some suggestions, tips and navigation which way to go to become a web developer from scratch.

CSS Compressor

Use this utility to compress your CSS to increase loading speed and save on bandwidth as well. You can choose from three levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. The “Normal” mode should work well in most cases, creating a good balance between the two. Website:

Mozilla CSS Extensions

Mozilla supports a number of extensions to CSS that are prefixed with ‘-moz’. These include a number of capabilities, including rounded borders, and the ability to specify different box width and height calculations to more easily support browers that perform such calculations in a non-standard way. Some of these properties have subsequently been proposed for inclusion in the CSS specification, though...

MSDN HTML and DHTML Reference

Microsoft Developer Network offers quite good reference sources for HTML and DHTML API. Here is an overview of the content: Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Object Model References DHTML Collections DHTML Constants DHTML Events DHTML Methods DHTML Objects DHTML Properties HTML References HTML Character Sets HTML Elements Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) References CSS Attributes: Index CSS Length Units Reference Additional...

At you can find a number of free CSS templates created by the author of that site, all of which are: Released for FREE under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license Very lightweight in terms of images Tables-free (ie. they use no tables for layout purposes) W3C standards compliant and valid (XHTML Strict) Provided with public domain photos All of templates are free for any type of...

W3C Validation Services

As everyone knows, validity of source code plays important role in a web development. Improperly nested elements, unclosed tags, unrecognized parameters may affect web page’s display in some browsers. But this is not one and only negative influence of source code errors. Another important consequence of invalid (X)HTML or CSS source code is degradation in the eyes of search crawlers. Most search engine...

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