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Elastic CSS Framework

Elastic is a very useful CSS framework which enables you to create elastic, fixed and liquid layouts with any column variations. Using Elastic CSS is like a conversation with the code as it uses a declarative language. It supports “combining classes” which helps creating almost any type of layout. And, it comes with a set of helper classes, to accomplish hard things by pure CSS like: same-height,...

jQuery BlockUI Plugin

Using the XMLHttpRequest object in synchronous mode causes the entire browser to lock until the remote call completes. This is usually not a desirable behavior. The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated. BlockUI is useful for creating...

qWikiOffice: A Desktop-like Web

The qWikiOffice Web Desktop is an open source project which combines the AJAX technology, the Ext JS library and the PHP, resulting in cutting edge web application graphics similar to a desktop environment. Besides a user friendly environment, qWikiOffice offers a powerful platform for which developers can deploy web applications. Any number of these web applications can be plugged into qWikiOffice to create...

Gritter: Growl Notification by jQuery

Growl is basically a notification bubble/popup that appears in the top right of your desktop, well known from Mac OS X. Gritter is let’s say the implementation of Growl notifications in web design. Practically, it’s something like the alert() function in JavaScript, but it’s not a modal, looks much better, has more functionality and is fully customizable by parameter settings. Growl Types of Notifications Regular...

ColorZilla: Firefox Color Assistant

ColorZilla is an extension for Mozilla Firefox and the Mozilla Suite. It assists web developers and graphic designers with color related both basic and advanced tasks. With ColorZilla you can get a color reading from any point in your browser, quickly adjust this color and paste it into another program. You can Zoom the page you are viewing and measure distances between any two points on the page. The built-in...

TAW: Web Accessibility Test

Web Accessibility Test is the online tool for determining accessibility of your web. This tool analyzes the web site in accordance with W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines and shows accessibility issues with fix recommendations. If you are serious web developer, you shouldn’t focus your attention on layout, design or performance of the site only, but should take care about the content accessibility too. Results...

IETester: A Must Of Web Developer

IETester is a free Web Browser that allows you to have the rendering and javascript engines of IE 8, IE 7 IE 6 and IE 5.5 on Vista and XP (work on Windows 7 is in progress), as well as the installed IE in the same process. You don’t have to have installed all versions of Internet Explorer separately on your system to check web project you are working on. Now, IETester is able to give you necessary information...

Top 5 URL Shortening Services

Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Don’t you like long and unmemorizable URLs? Do you hate to write tens of characters in browser’s bar or simply don’t like those never ending URLs full of parameters?

Photoshop Browser Templates

As a web designer, at one time or another, you are going to need these. Either when presenting your work to a client, or working on a high resolution monitor; adding a browser frame around your design will help you (another others) get an idea of what the site will really look like. Yes, anyone with basic photoshop skills can make these, but remaking these templates for every project is not very effective. A...

Detect Mobile Browsers by PHP

PHP Mobile Browsers Detector function lets you choose how to manage your mobile visitors, they can be redirected to a page built for mobiles or you can use it to decide what to show them. PHP Mobile Browsers Detector can recognize: iPhone Android Opera Mini Blackberry All you need to do is just download the code, upload it to your website then view the usage guide or use the function generator to build a custom...

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