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Currently Browsing: Frameworks


The foundational YUI Grids CSS offers four preset page widths, six preset templates, and the ability to stack and nest subdivided regions of two, three, or four columns. The 4kb file provides over 1000 page layout combinations. Other features include: Supports fluid-width (100%) layouts as well as preset fixed-width layouts. Supports easy customization of the width for fixed-width layouts. Flexible in response...

Compass: A Stylesheet Framework

Compass is a real stylesheet framework — not just a collection of classes. With Compass, you still use the best of breed css frameworks (blueprint, yui, 960); ported to Sass to make them easier to configure and apply to your semantic markup. Compass is a CSS Meta-Framework that provides ports of the best of breed CSS frameworks to Sass and ready to use in your ruby-based web application or stand-alone via...

Desktop Apps by Titanium

Titanium is the first open platform for building rich desktop applications by using classic web technologies – HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Titanium Appcelerator is: Open source Titanium is licensed under the Apache Public License (version 2) Open web Use standard HTML, CSS and Javascript to build rich desktop apps Open desktop Run your apps on Windows, Mac and Linux (coming soon!) Open API Add rich desktop...

emastic: CSS Framework

Emastic is a CSS Framework, it’s continuing mission: to explore a strange new world, to seek out new life and new web spaces, to boldly go where no CSS Framework has gone before. Emastic framework is: Lightweight (compressed weight less then 4kb) Personalized width of the page in (em,px,%) Use of fixed and fluid columns in the grid Elastic Layout with “em”s This framework is still under...

Prototype: JavaScript Framework

Prototype is a JavaScript Framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications. Featuring a unique, easy-to-use toolkit for class-driven development and the nicest Ajax library around, Prototype is quickly becoming the codebase of choice for web application developers everywhere. Prototype framework enables you to deal with Ajax calls in a very easy and fun way that is also safe (cross-browser)....

MooTools: JavaScript Framework

MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. It allows you to write powerful, flexible, and cross-browser code with its elegant, well documented, and coherent API. MooTools code respects strict standards and doesn’t throw any warnings. It’s extensively documented and has meaningful variable names: a joy to browse...

PEAR: PHP Repository

PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components. PEAR is short for “PHP Extension and Application Repository” and is pronounced just like the fruit. The purpose of PEAR is to provide: A structured library of open-source code for PHP users A system for code distribution and package maintenance A standard style for code written in PHP, specified here The PHP Extension Community...

Zend Framework

Extending the art & spirit of PHP, Zend Framework is based on simplicity, object-oriented best practices, corporate friendly licensing, and a rigorously tested agile codebase. Zend Framework is focused on building more secure, reliable, and modern Web 2.0 applications & web services, and consuming widely available APIs from leading vendors like Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, Flickr, as well as API providers...

CodeIgniter: PHP Web App Framework

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. If you’re a developer who lives in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you’re tired of ponderously large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks, the CodeIgniter is here for you! The most...

Open Source CMS Drupal

Drupal is a powerful content management system, meaning you can power many different types of websites with it without knowing any coding languages. Drupal is a free, open source, modular framework and content management system (CMS) written in PHP. Drupal allows the system administrator to create and organize content, customize the presentation, automate administrative tasks, and manage site visitors and contributors. Drupal...

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