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jQuery Sliding Login Panel

If your website contains user registration system, all members must login before having access for registered users. The site visitors can usually find the Member Login or Registration Form on your website to put their data. Some webpages have Login Form visible and other sites have it hidden and can be shown only by clicking on button or link.

Web-Kreation has built pretty nice up and down sliding login panel based on jQuery script. This panel slides down from top of the website and overlaps the content – which looks much better than pushing the content down.

All images used on this sliding panel are transparent and therefore you can simply change background color or set a background picture. Many web designers will find this sliding login panel very useful on their projects.

jQuery Sliding Login

2 Responses to “jQuery Sliding Login Panel”

  1. ApniVideo says:

    Is it possible to run this with another script that uses a different version of jquery?

    I am trying to do just this. It seems that it runs but the Login | Register text is a bit messed up.

  2. Jacob says:

    Is it possible to configure this sliding login panel to exclude the register form? Just have the login form only.

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