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Web2Cal: AJAX Drag&Drop Events Calendar

Web2Calendar is a powerful, fast and complex web2 style calendaring system that can be integrated into an application with extreme ease. It is very easy to mimic outlook style or google style calendar on your website or applications. Multiple views like day, week, month, agenda, workshift or work week are available. It comes with over 35 options to customize.

You do not have to worry about the complexeties involved in a calendaring engine. You can now deploy web2cal and focus your energy on core business logic. The intuitive drag & drop interface will enhance your products usability. You can draw your customer’s attention to well organized and professionally displayed events.

Users can browse events for a day, week or month without having to leave the page. The innovative templating technology sets the stage for embedding the calendar in a variety of applications. To name a few, you can build an appointments scheduler that can be used in hair saloon, physician office, health club, webmail calendar, events calendar.

It is written entirely in javascript and can integrate with any kind of backend. Be it java, PHP or .NET. Licensing system covers both free non-commercial use as well as paid commercial one.

Web2Cal AJAX based Calendar

One Response to “Web2Cal: AJAX Drag&Drop Events Calendar”

  1. Marco says:


    I really like your Calendar, but I will leave a couple of suggestions:
    I am a student at ESTG, Leiria(, and I am doing the final project of the course with a coleague that needs a scheduler, I will leave with you the reason why I didn’t pick your software.
    The main reason is that the license, although your Basic Free License is not so bad, I found out that “DayPilot Lite” gives me the Open-source (Apache Software License 2.0), which gives me more “freedom” to use. I just need a very basic scheduler, so it does the trick.
    Either ways I have to congratulate you guys, for “the looks”, it’s one of the best I’ve seen, although I would suggest a glassy look to the colors on the schedules. In this case I would say that you have two strong competitors, you are between “Telerik RadScheduler”(very good looking but expensive) and “ASPxScheduler”(not so good looking as yours but with some attractive functionalities).
    At the end, despite the looks, I ended up choosing the very basic “DayPilot Lite” that is not so good looking as the ones I mentioned before but does the trick.
    I am just leaving a feedback, I hope you don’t get me wrong ok?


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