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Web-Based SQL Designer

WWW SQL Designer allows users to create database designs, which can be saved/loaded and exported to SQL scripts. Various databases and languages are supported. Ability to import existing database design.

This tool allows you to draw and create database schemas (E-R diagrams) directly in browser, without the need for any external programs (flash). You only need JavaScript enabled. The Designer works perfectly in Mozillas (Firefox, Seamonkey), Internet Explorers (6, 7, 8), Safari and Operas. Konqueror works, but the experience is limited.

Many database features are supported, such as keys, foreign key constraints, comments and indexes. You can either save your design (for further loading & modifications), print it or export as SQL script. It is possible to retrieve (import) schema from existing database.

Visual SQL Designer

One Response to “Web-Based SQL Designer”

  1. Please try this It is just the draft version of SQL Designer based on jQuery with support of drag and drop. I am working actively on it and hopefully in few weeks time will release the beta version. jQuery SQL Designer is one component of large Cloud DaaS project and lot of features are planned to be added in next few months. Support for various databases, tool to migration/conversion between various databases, reverse engineering from live database and much much more ….

    jQuery SQL Developer

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