PHP Mobile Browsers Detector function lets you choose how to manage your mobile visitors, they can be redirected to a page built for mobiles or you can use it to decide what to show them.
PHP Mobile Browsers Detector can recognize:
All you need to do is just download the code, upload it to your website then view the usage guide or use the function generator to build a custom function to suit you and your mobile visitors.
That’s not a very comprehensive list of devices. What about older ones… Or newer in fact!
I use Wapple for my device detection. Its really good. at they provide a webservice call for isMobileDevice()
That rocks!
or you could use a webservice like
Mobile browsers are still kind of crude if you compare it to the desktop browsers we use on PC.`~’
@Jordan Edwards
Yes, mobile browsers cannot even compare to browsers developed for desktop environments; at least at this point. However, by following suggestions and practices (such as those mentioned in the article:, you can prepare for the future of your site. Statistics show that at least 30% of mobile phone users try to access many sites using their phones right now, and the statistics are showing that this number is increasing exponentially to the point they expect it to easily reach 100%. Supporting those users will become a must, and helps a website stand out from the average website. A statistic I would think should not be ignored, unless you are doing a personal website that does little to no marketing or perform any sort of service to it’s users; which I would think is also getting rare.